Holiday Cheer
Do you have the organized aunt who’s already sending out emails to schedule your holiday party? Rowdy family get-togethers over the holidays in November and December are a hallmark of the season. We understand that families that need to travel with a wheelchair may need some extra space in their vehicle this December, or they might have concerns about using their current vehicle. Clock Mobility has full size and mini vans available to rent for the day, for a week, or even a month! We know you don’t let mobility issues hold you back, use our wheelchair accessible van rental program as another tool for independence.
The More the Merrier. Do you need a different vehicle just for the holiday? Traveling around the holidays can present challenges if you’re hoping to transport extra people and packages. If you need a temporary rental so you can offer an elderly uncle a ride across the state for the day, we’ve got you covered. Did you offer to pick up your niece at college, and she wants to bring her international friend along to see how Americans whoop it up on the holidays? We’ve even got a 15 passenger van available if you’re looking for lots of seats!
Don’t miss out on the fun. Are you concerned about putting more miles on your current mobility vehicle? We generally hear a few different reasons from clients who already own a wheelchair accessible vehicle but are still looking to rent one. One reason is wanting to bring along extra passengers, and a close second is families concerned about adding wear and tear to their current vehicle. If you’re trying to stretch the life of your current van or are concerned about possible weather conditions, we’ve got a vehicle to help you out.
Give us a call to reserve a wheelchair accessible van rental for your family gatherings this winter. We’re happy to talk about our rates, vehicle availability, and reservations. We’ll make sure you have a reliable vehicle, and you can look forward to another year of fantastic memories.